HOW TO DECORATE WITH FAUX FUR: Making the Most of This Luxurious, Cosy Trend

Faux fur: so cosy and welcoming and right now, it is on its way to becoming a toasty hot interior design trend. As the luscious material trends on the runways this autumn / winter season, it has also taken over the interior design world and is appearing ever more prominently in home decors. Why? As the design world takes a turn from cold contemporary to cosy opulence, designers use it for its luxurious yet inviting nature.

But, don't start searching for all things furry just yet. Read on for our top tips on how to stylishly add a bit of faux fir glamour to your home.

Add It To A Space That Needs Texture

Interior designers typically add faux fur to a neat and tidy space when they want it to be just a little cosier or more inviting. When we use faux fur, we are looking to add elements of luscious texture in the room. In a minimalist, neat and contemporary space, texture, in the shape of a simple faux fur pillow, rug or throw offers that sumptuous and cosy feel and really elevates the space.

Limit It To One Or Two Items

On the note of a faux fur throw pillow, rug or throw, take note: it is best to choose one or two. Not all three. It's definitely possible to go overboard with faux fur, so try to limit it to one or two items strategically placed in a room. Just a touch of it is sophisticated and if in doubt, go with less.

Look At The Tone And Fur Length

As with any interior design purchase, it's important to research what companies in your area sell the highest quality faux fur, and to inspect it yourself before buying. Look for items that have longer hair, as they look more natural. I also look for a lot of variation in tone, so items that are not just a flat grey or a flat white, but that really have a rich tonal variety. And remember: if you're looking for light-coloured faux fur, creamy hues will always look more natural than stark white.

Pair It With The Right Materials

Faux fur is especially adept at making a cool, modern space cosier. It's really fun to pair opposites, so if you have an overly modern space, throw a little faux fur on to give it that juxtaposition of contemporary with an inviting, natural element. It makes it feel less cold. Faux fur also pairs well with a variety of materials, ranging from silks to velvets, to heavy wool.

Start with the Bedroom

The best room to use faux fur in is the bedroom, as it naturally and organically creates a warm, cosy feel. The second would be the living room, because it's so nice to cuddle up with on a sofa. And for those with pets - they love curling up on faux fur, too. However, don't be afraid to incorporate faux fur into more formal spaces to add a bit of warmth. White faux fur on a chair in an office, for example, can warm the space and reflect light in a strategic way without diminishing the formality of the room.

Place Faux Fur Somewhere People Can Touch It

The appeal of faux fur is in its blend of opulence and cosiness, and its ability to make a room more engaging. Something which is soft and tactile is appealing and makes people want to go into the room and touch it. For this reason, keep faux fur in easy-to-reach places, whether it's a fluffy rug in a high-traffic part of the room or a blanket within an easy reach.
